It really has been quite a while since I posted! So here's an update on what I've been up to. Since Deicide closed, I have been working on a few projects, taking time to travel, and enjoying my last summer break ever. (Sad!)
In July, I spent a week in San Francisco with my boyfriend, seeing the sights and eating a lot of delicious meals. Immediately after I got back I started working on pickup shots for Honest Cheat, the feature film. Very excited to finally see that one when it's finally completed. From there I spent a long weekend with the parents in Seattle.
August started out with a little break between projects, and now I'm working full swing on several things. I've started the design process on On Emotion, Son of Semele Ensemble's fall production, written by Mick Gordon. It is a four person show that analyzes the role of emotion in guiding our lives. I also just completed gathering costumes for director Moe Koaik's latest short film, Ramiro's Crossing, which is a comedy about a Mexican farmer who crosses the border into the U.S. to look for work. This week I've been starting up on another student film called Silver Gardens, directed by Mehdi Khani, which is a really beautiful story about a violinist, including a really fantastic masquerade ball which takes place within his inner self. In the midst of all of this, I have also been working for a few weeks as a stitcher with the Young Frankenstein national tour, helping them alter and mend costumes between their Los Angeles and Costa Mesa stops.
In September, I'll be spending a week and a half in New York with my family, and am looking forward to seeing some good theater and eating great meals! After I return, school starts up again and I finish shooting on Silver Gardens.
All in all, summer has been treating me well, and I'm looking forward to what lies ahead!