Well! This crazy quarter is slowly winding to a close. Sorry for the sparse updates over the past few months!
Copenhagen has been going really well. I finally got signed off on my designs giving me the go ahead to get started. First fittings next week! There are only three actors who don't have any costume changes, but I'm actually really excited to do a show this small. It's giving me the chance to really take the time to think about every minute detail on the costumes to make sure that they are perfect. Also, the play itself is beautiful and it's set in such a fascinating time and place (Copenhagen, Denmark during WWII). I'll post more info about the show in January for anyone who is interested in seeing it!
Another small project I'm working on is a MOS short film for an AFI cinematographer. It's going to be very short, only a few minutes long, but it will be about a woman in Edo period Japan who commits jigai (the female version of seppuku). Very interesting premise, and of course I'm thrilled to have the chance to do more kimono!
Aside from these I've just been chugging along with final projects for my classes. In our design class this quarter we are all designing Sondheim musicals, and I've been working on Follies. Here's a sneak peek at one of the ghost showgirls!